

For School groups and Home school groups.

Incursions are available on a range of topics and subject areas which are all linked to the Australian Curriculum. All incursions include a curriculum link document, extensions links document, Certificate of participation for children and a take home activity. Incursions are available as single workshops, double workshops of the same topic (split age groups) or pre-booked bulk workshops. Please contact us for a quote.  

Earth Sciences: In this incursion students will learn all about stars and galaxies. They will receive a mini group lesson covering what is a star, types of stars, types of galaxies, constellations, the life cycle of a star including a visual demonstration of a stars lifecycle right down to the supernova! Students will then get to make their own galaxy in a jar/bottle ( depending on health and safety regulations at your organisation) their very own galaxy painting using watercolour paints and techniques and a constellation telescope. Other activities can be arrange on request depending on group size. This incursion is great for all ages and many different sizes of groups can be catered for. 

Recommended Age: 3+

Time length: 1-1.5 hours.

Biology: Learn all about Dinosaurs and their features in this incursion. This incursions consists of a mini lesson about the characteristics dinosaurs have such as their physical attributes and what distinguishes carnivores from herbivores, their habitats, the evolution of the dinosaurs (time periods) and how Palaeontologists discover and classify dinosaurs today. Students will then have the opportunity to make their own model dinosaur to take home and participate in a Dinosaur Dig where they will use Palaeontology techniques to unearth their own dinosaurs to classify. 

Recommended age range: 4-12yrs.

Time: 1-1.5 hours

Biology: In this incursion students will explore the amazing animals that make up our world. They will get to explore the different types of animals from Invertebrates and Mammals and their common features and fill in an Animal Journal however they wish. They will get to complete various activities about each type of animal as they make their way through the stations. They will get to keep the journal so they can complete any activity not completed at home. Depending on the age range of students, the workshop can be adjusted to cater for younger/older students or split into 2x 1 hours to better suit the age groups attending. Activities to choose from can be making model invertebrates, fish art, lifecycle of a frog 3D model (popular), bird masks, mammal puppets. All students receive an Animal Journal to take home in addition to their take home activities.

Recommended age: 4+

Time: 1-2 hours

Human Biology:  In this incursion, students will get to learn all about the major organs of the Human Body. There will be a mini lesson explaining the major organs, their main functions and the system they belong to. Students are encouraged to provide their own answers to as to learn off each other. A large anatomy model will be used to show how all these organs sit together inside. Then in small groups, students will use large paper to trace a person outline and then fill in where they thing the organs sit on that person. This collaborative group work encourages students to work together, take turns and use higher order thinking skills to apply the knowledge learnt. Then students will have the opportunity to make their own take home human body model, complete with felt organs. This does require some fine motor skills (cutting) but help can be given and paper versions are available if this is easier.

Recommended age: 4+       Time frame: 1.5 hours

Human Biology: In this incursion, students will get to learn all about the what makes up our blood and what it is used for. They will also learn about the circulatory system, its function and why it is needed. There will be a mini lesson showing the components of blood in a visual demonstration, explaining the circulatory system and its components, their main functions and then students will get to participate in a group investigation exploring their heart rates at rest and when active. They will get to collect this data in small groups and report back to the class what their findings were. This collaborative group work encourages students to work together, take turns and use higher order thinking skills to analyse results. This data can then be used at home to further the math component by making graphs. Then students will have the opportunity to make their own take home blood model in a bottle! 

Recommended age: 5+       Time frame: 1.5 hours

Human Biology: In this incursion, students will get to learn all about the what makes up our respiratory system, its function, why we need it and what happens when it goes wrong. There will be a mini lesson showing the components of respiratory system, what lungs look like, the process of respiration using a visual model, and discuss why we need this. Then students will have the opportunity to make their own take home model lungs in a bottle! Students will need to provide a large, 2LT bottle for this. Some will be available for those who forget. All other materials provided.

Recommended age: 5+       Time frame: 1-1.5 hours 

Human Biology: In this incursion, students will get to learn all about what controls their body, their brain. There will be a mini lesson explaining the main brain functions, the system it belongs to, why we need it etc.. A large anatomy model will be used to show where the brain sits and its components. Then in small groups, students will use get to explore different stations that showcase the various functions of the brain such as the 5 senses. They will get to try out different reflex tests, isolate different senses, explore life without a certain sense and learn about the different parts of the brain Then students will have the opportunity to make their own take home human brain model out of clay which they can then paint. The depth of the information presented will depend on the age group required. This incursion is able to be tailored to any age group as it will just go into more and more detail of the anatomy and physiology of the brain. For older students an additional cell component can be added where students will  be able to explore the components of a nerve cell and then build their own using a variety of materials of their choosing. 

Recommended age: 4- high school   

Time frame: Basic lesson: up to 1.5 hours  

Basic lesson & nerve cells: 2 hours

Human Biology: In this incursion, students will get to learn all about their skeleton! Students will get to meet Mr. Skeleton, the skeleton model to explore the bones which make up their bodies. Basic functions of bones will be discussed as well as why we need them. Visual demonstrations will be done to show these in a concrete way that students can then explore themselves. They will then get to work in groups to put together a large paper Mr. Skeleton and will get to take home their own kit to put together at home (lots of cutting prevents this being done at a class level). Then students will get to make their own model skeleton using a variety of resources they can choose from. Older students can further explore bones by learning about the components of bone and making their own model arm right down to the blood vessels and spongy make up.

Recommended age: 5+      

Time frame: Basic lesson 1 hour                                  Older students age 9+: 1.5 hours

Chemical Sciences: In this incursions students will explore chemical reactions and be WOW’d by the teacher demonstrations. In the mini lesson students will witness dry ice reactions, elephant toothpaste experiments and learn how to make a cloud in a bottle. Then students will get to participate in small chemistry experiments using mostly household items to discover chemical reactions. This will be done over different stations that the students can tick off in their chemistry passport and record their findings as they make their way around each one. Each student will receive a passport.

Recommended age: 5+       Time frame: 1.5 hours

Chemical Sciences: During this workshop, students will get to explore what makes up their world around them. Concrete materials are used to represent elements, and demonstrate how materials are made, basic chemical compounds are introduced and students will be invited to explore these at different stations. What is special about the Water molecule and what is an acid and base will also be explored. Students will work in small groups to work their way through a chemistry passport that they can record their findings in. Workshops can be more closely tailored to individual group ages so more or less intricate details are explored. All students receive a chemistry passport in addition to normal workshop materials.

Recommended age: 6- high school   

Time frame: Basic lesson: up to 1.5 hours                      

HASS: In this incursion, students will get to explore the continents of the world and their people, places and artefacts in this interactive workshop. Students will receive a mini lesson which will briefly discuss the Earth, what it is made up of, the continents of the world and a continent song to learn. Then students will get to ‘visit’ each continent and discover all the wonderful things that make up that continent. From people, cultures, languages, clothing, money, animals, landmarks and more, they will get to explore a continent box from each continent. All students will receive a passport to document their journey in and activities to do. Activities range from making an Eiffel Tower out of matchsticks (2D or 3D), making penguins, doing an Australian flag collage, making dream catchers, making worry dolls and more. Languages will be explored at many stations including different writing systems and alphabets. Activities will be selected with organiser and will depend on the age group required. It is impossible to represent all countries when exploring a continent and the upmost cultural respect is upheld with all activities chosen for the sole purpose of providing cultural enrichment for the students involved. If your group has a particular heritage you would like included, please mention it at time of booking and all offers of native speakers or traditional dress etc. will be appreciated and respected.

Recommended age: 4-10                        

Time frame: 2 hours                                   

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