Benefits of Montessori Education

Montessori education has many benefits which have been highlighted over the years. Montessori education on its own, is the only educational method with over 100 years of evidence that it works. Here we will highlight some of the benefits of Montessori education.


Montessori education is child centred. This means that the child guides the learning according to their developmental level. They are able to learn at their own pace and when they are ready. Everything in the classroom is prepared to best allow the child to independently learn. Furniture is their size, everything is within reach and they can learn and observe from their peers. 

The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own desire to learn.


Maria Montessori

Montessori education encourages cooperative play. There is no teacher at the front of the room directing the day’s activities in a Montessori classroom, so children need to navigate themselves around the prepared space and learn to cooperate with their peers. Children learn to take turns and wait or work together to complete tasks.


The classroom environment teaches order. Everything in its place and a place for everything. All objects and activities have their own locations on shelves in a Montessori
classroom. When finished, children return the activity to its place so others may use it. This allows for a predictable environment that allows creativity to flow and learning to be facilitated.

Rebecca Wraight

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